Sunday, 30 December 2012

Holiday Time

Are you going to book a holiday, tempted by travel channels and holiday ads, can you feel the heat of the sun on your face, or are you a sightseer?


Would you consider yourself to be a holiday booking bore or an adventurer? Same place or different every time?

Self catering, all inclusive, make do or liquid diet only? How you book and where you go says a lot about you as a person, it is also clear that how you book is in the genes, not where you go of course as some of us have to please other people too.

Package deal, or build your own? Book one way flights and hope for a room or make sure it's waiting for your arrival? First name terms with the travel agent or book online?

Visit and find out what sort of holiday maker you are

Friday, 28 December 2012

AI Solutions: Calcium and You

AI Solutions: Calcium and You: How much calcium do you have in your diet? Are you a milk drinker or a cheese snacker, or maybe you are a regular oily fish eater. Or ...

Calcium and You

How much calcium do you have in your diet? Are you a milk drinker or a cheese snacker, or maybe you are a regular oily fish eater. Or do you prefer supplements, popping a vitamin pill to save on the food effort. There is no good replacement for a healthy diet, with research showing that fish oil supplements are no substitute for eating oily fish will that make you rethink your diet.

With so many people choosing to diet especially at this time of year, they end up leaving valuable nutrients from their diet in a bid to cut out fat, yet there are easier ways to lose weight than counting calories, weighing food, and having to remember points. If everything you eat is low fat or a diet version, then you risk feeling dissatisfied and hungry, so can you change your eating habits without calling it a diet, of course we all can. The diet industry is worth millions, how many people do you know who join a diet group and then leave after a few weeks, give up and start again. I've been in the cycle too, does the diet work yes, does it fit my lifestyle, no. One take away and the books are consigned to a bin as the weigh in is just not worth the stress, and besides, why shouldn't I eat what I want - until the next party and there's nothing that fits me.

Yet the opportunity to get all of the nutirents and vitamins you need and to not feel hungry is there for the taking, with weight loss and life style coaching. It depends how brave you are to try something new and how much you want it.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

New Year Resolutions

So 2013 is just around the corner, have you made a resolution for the next year, will you lose weight, change your job, move house, train for a new quailification, start a family or just revamp your life completely.

The future is yours - do you want it?

Well yes I'm sure you do, but can you make it happen. Every year millions of people across the world say this time it will be different yet most fall at the first hurdle.

Have you made a resolution and not stuck to it?

Which resolution is yours? Can you keep it, or are you of the group who do not make resolutions, does that mean you do not have goals or is it that you avoid them.

2013 is the new year, the new start, do you want it to be yours?

Call us, we can help

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Missing a Loved One

It's a difficult time of year for many families across the World particularly if you have lost someone you love, whether your grief is fresh and raw or has been with you for years.

For some counselling helps, therapy, tablets or denial, being tough or feeling bitter and angry, every path has been trodeen a thousand times before, yet your sadness is unique at the same time. Guilt and anger go hand in hand, bereavement coaching can help with the second phase of grief, not through counselling or therapy but help to get your life back on track even if it feels like an impossible target.

It is nearly five years since I buried my son, at 18 years old it seemed unreal it still does, yet my life has moved on but not exclusive of my child, yet I am neither morbid nor a quivering wreck, although there were days. Christmas is particularly hard, as are anniversaries and birthdays, and sudden days just out of the blue when asomething small triggers a memory which evokes emotion in whichever form, sometimes tears other times anger and disbelief.

As a qualified coach I understand and specialise in bereavement coaching, follow my blogs on here or on my website, it may help with your grief, you may feel I can help you, but even if you are coping just fine, we wish you all the best for the coming year, sincerely from someone who has lost too many close to me in the last few years.

Is 2013 Your Year?

Are you looking forward to the Christmas Break?

Is 2013 your year or does 2014 sound even better, or perhaps you are looking back to past years with a little thought of I wish I had ....

Will your Christmas be a working holiday or a well deserved rest?

Is it time for a change of career, or a step up the ladder, do you feel you are worth more, looking for a pay rise or promotion, do you want to see change in your working life.

Whether you have a job at the top of the pay scale or one at the minimum wage, you can have more, if you want it, and I mean really want it.

I left school with a handful of qualifications but they were not going to light any fires and I wasn't worried if they did, for me it was party time, my own money out every night, a great family and friends, four years later I was married and work was a must not a pass time, with a young child to care for my party lifestyle had flipped on it's head, a couple of years later, pregnant with my second child I was suddenly a single Mum with divorce and homelessness to look forward to. Work was almost impossible to juggle and times were unbelieveably hard.

It is possible to change your life, but it is not easy, you have to want it so much you can taste it. Do you want a better future? Why not explore what your better future is to you.

Monday, 17 December 2012

New Year Resolution

Do you have one?

When I was in my teens I made lots of resolutions, did I keep them? Well some, losing weight was the most popular and I'm not sure it should have been, but when you are on the lean side losing weight isn't quite such an uphill struggle, when you are on the larger side it seems like a duanting task. Especially if you love food or are in a rut, maybe hate yourself after eating something unhealthy, or say it will be the very last time at least until the next one.

Nobody ever said losing weight was easy, why would it take four weeks to lose 14lbs when you can out it on in half that time? Life coaching shows you how and why. How serious about weight are you?

The following link takes you to the top three resolutions, are they yours?

Monday, 10 December 2012

AI Solutions: Christmas Time

AI Solutions: Christmas Time: Are you looking forward to Christmas or are you dreading the festivities, is the onslaught of family too much or do you thrive on the p...

Christmas Time

Are you looking forward to Christmas or are you dreading the festivities, is the onslaught of family too much or do you thrive on the party atmospehere.?

Christmas is different for everyone, and making sure that you have time to enjoy it is important, whether you are cooking the food, buying and wrapping presents or stressing about the finances, are planning a childs first Christmas or looking forward to a family get together.

For many it is a time of dread, whether it be finding the money from presents and food, or having to spend time with peopke you would choose not to, it is possible to make Christmas go your way, to manipulate the scenario for you, we are tackling the way forward for Christmas in a daily blog at

If you need some tips in dealing with Christmas, email us at for free advice, or pop in and see us for a free consultation.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

AI Solutions: Coca-Cola at Christmas

AI Solutions: Coca-Cola at Christmas: The Government and Coca-Cola have teamed up for this years drink drive campaign, with offers for the designated driver, to help cut fataliti...

Coca-Cola at Christmas

The Government and Coca-Cola have teamed up for this years drink drive campaign, with offers for the designated driver, to help cut fatalities associated with drinking and driving this holiday season.

More information can be found at