Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Missing a Loved One

It's a difficult time of year for many families across the World particularly if you have lost someone you love, whether your grief is fresh and raw or has been with you for years.

For some counselling helps, therapy, tablets or denial, being tough or feeling bitter and angry, every path has been trodeen a thousand times before, yet your sadness is unique at the same time. Guilt and anger go hand in hand, bereavement coaching can help with the second phase of grief, not through counselling or therapy but help to get your life back on track even if it feels like an impossible target.

It is nearly five years since I buried my son, at 18 years old it seemed unreal it still does, yet my life has moved on but not exclusive of my child, yet I am neither morbid nor a quivering wreck, although there were days. Christmas is particularly hard, as are anniversaries and birthdays, and sudden days just out of the blue when asomething small triggers a memory which evokes emotion in whichever form, sometimes tears other times anger and disbelief.

As a qualified coach I understand and specialise in bereavement coaching, follow my blogs on here or on my website, it may help with your grief, you may feel I can help you, but even if you are coping just fine, we wish you all the best for the coming year, sincerely from someone who has lost too many close to me in the last few years.


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