Friday, 21 June 2013

Government Consultations

Road safety consultations, NHS consultations, MOJ consultations, the list is endless, so why, for the last few years we have had occasional consultations, usually when the Government wants to trade an unpopular idea, but over the last few months surveys and consultations are in abundance, with a new survey in almost daily mailings.

How many consultations can one person respond to, or read thoroughly without losing the will to live? It seems quite a lot, although time consuming answering these surveys makes us feel as if we might at least be heard, yet when you look at the volume of replies it is shockingly low, are we that apathetic that it just doesn't matter any more, or do we believe we are unheard. Well, if out of 64m people a few hundred reply then how can we expect to be taken seriously as a nation.

The Government back office is fulfilling it's duty, treat the public as paying customers, which we are, listen to their comments and act on the majority, because when they present to the private sector seeking investment they need to be in a position to say, we did listen, but if you can't be bothered to get involved and say what you want then don't expect to get it, quite rightly too.

Privatisation is here to stay, the merging of offices is not a surprise, the merge of VOSA/DSA had been mentioned several times in various papers, the DSA are not striking because they are bored on Fridays, more that they can see the ship sinking and are trying to save it, but really the ink is dry so they would probably be best advised to jump.

Driving tests, modernisation, syllabus, consultations, reading between the lines and adding it to the facts from the back office and their announcements in trade papers tells the whole story.

For more on the Government consultation summary follow the link below

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