Wednesday, 3 July 2013

NHS Reforms...

It's a very full email box today, consultations for driving instructors, which has become a hair pulling exercise, Ministry of Justice consultations, and now NHS consultations, I haven't even opened the HMRC one yet!

So, there are about 64 million people in the UK, all entitled to treatment under the NHS, UKIP hit a nerve and the public responded by asking for the end to health tourism, rightly so, I broke a tooth while on holiday and it cost me 120Euro to fix, nobody is going to pay that for me, and of course being a cancer patient nobody wants to insure me.

So we are all grateful for the NHS and what it provides, despite the fact that prescribed drugs are generic and we are prescribed the cheapest option or the best deal from the drug company for the NHS at that time. The thought that we may be limited to doctor visits sticks in my throat, for years I rarely saw my doctor, I have had eighteen months of poor health where I have had to visit the doctor almost so often she doesn't even need to look at my notes any more. No money will see an increase in misdiagnosis, because if you have to pay (I'm sure I've already done the paid bit in the last 30 years), but can't then what?

Those on benefits will see us pick up the doctors bill and those on a low wage will have to suffer in silence - great idea - not!

The NHS consultation covers migrants abusing the health service, the ink is probably dry but the questions have to appear to be asked, at what point are we as a nation of tax payers heard? We won't be. Pushing through all of these consultations, or attempts that appear to ask for our views, are the steps taken by Arvato Bertelsmann before we are sold out to the highest bidder.

Are we all so lazy that we will just accept what the future holds, the response to all of the consultations are poor, the media isn't picking up on it and these changes are not making national press or pleading for us to take part, why? The answer is in the controlling body.

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