Monday, 1 July 2013

Test Passes

It seems there is a little improvement in pass rates for part two tests over the last few months, with just over half of those who took a test passing, however, it seems that males are still dominant in the group who take the most instructor qualifying exams.

The practical driving test is still at a very low 47% overall, with males passing 1 in 2 tests and girls less than that, so there has been little improvement or change to practical driving test pass rates, and of course demand which is at an all time low.

The 17/18 age group are the majority group for taking tests and have a higher pass rate than their older counterparts. Interestingly the aged 80 group has a 100% pass rate, maybe that's because there was only one, as over a million licence holders are in the over 80 age group, they make up quite a large number of active drivers on our roads, with 3 being over the age of 100.

There are 1,000 less instructors on the register compared to a year ago, with numbers being very low at entry, over 500 new applications were refused, the number of ADI's actively taking part in CPD has risen by 1500 making the figure nearly 8,000 so it seems those who have chosen to ride out the tough economy are spending time on educational benefits for themselves.

Theory tests are still showing a majority group as 17/18 but the figures are still reasonably consistent after that age group up to the age of 27 then they start to decrease, with girls having the distinct advantage over boys for pass rates in this test.

As there are fewer applications to become an ADI, the overhaul of the system seems an expensive exercise, the DSA/VOSA or whomsoever they shall be called believe that the low pass rate is due to the training procedure, and in some cases it is, but it also in how driving instruction is packaged, many enquiries start with, I can drive so it can't be that difficult to teach someone, and some of the advertising for this is to blame for a misconception at the start. The money would be better spent on an information process superior to the one currently available.  I see PDI's on a regular basis who had no idea what to expect, their registration process started by the provider, and a lack of research on their part is evident too.  I wonder how many would have continued with the process if they had been fully aware of what it entails.

Some say the pass rate is low because the training they receive is poor, in some cases that is true, but not more than 50% which is what the figures suggest, we run a free drop in session for PDI's to ask questions and to pick up information, regardless of who their training provider is. More free services by those who can offer their time would make for a better instructor community.

As road safety figures see the best numbers we have ever seen and the fact that we are World leaders in road safety, we should be proud of the service we provide, I'm not sure that some of the proposals is for the good of the ADI, or that they will make a difference to already falling fatality rates, which was the aim when this came about in 2000.

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